Inhabiting Space
Lesbian Visibility Day (LVD) aims to highlight issues facing sexually diverse womenin other words, women—and non-binary people—who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, having a fluid sexuality, asexual or questioning. It is a day to bring forward their perspectives, challenges and contributions, which are all too often invisible in LGBTQIA2S+ events,at both the local and international levels
National campaign Inhabiting Space
When inhabiting public space, women and lesbo-queer people continue to be confronted with numerous obstacles and challenges connected with their sexuality and gender orientations.
Women and lesbo-queer people are visible all around us—we are a proud and authentic presence in the media, cultural, sports and institutional spaces. Because we are in the minority in heteronormative spaces, being visible often requires courage and creativity.
Building, occupying and maintaining lesbo-queer spaces also takes hard work and resilience–let’s celebrate the solidarity and strength of our communities driving lesbo-queer initiatives!
This year, LVD is moving beyond Québec, with a bilingual campaign in every province and territory that celebrates all the spaces we inhabit, individually and collectively.

[lɛzbəˈfoʊbiə] noun
The main goal of LVD is to combat lesbophobia in all spheres of society.
Lesbophobia is a specific phobia that affects women who love women because of their sexual orientation, in other words, lesbians, bisexual, pansexual and gay women in lesbian relationships, and people perceived as lesbians by society. This phobia emerges from the intersection of homophobia and sexism.
Lesbophobia manifests itself as negative attitudes, discrimination, contempt, invisibilization, rejection and hatred directed at lesbians. It can also lead to acts of intimidation or violence, harming a person’s psychological, physical or sexual integrity.
Lesbian Visibility Day 2024 – Program
April 27, 2024, Main Mathieu Montreal
2:00 PM
Welcome remarks
4:15 PM
Panel – Celebrating 2024 Holding Space recipients
7:00 – 8:30 PM
LVD 2024 cocktail party
2:15 PM
Panel – Lesbo-queer Perspectives in the Comedy World
5:15 PM
Prize-giving ceremony
*activities in French only
**LSQ interpretation provided
3:15 PM
Special guest presentation : Alice Coffin
5:45 PM
Performances by our spokespeople and guests
Récipiendaires des prix
Take Action
What does “Holding Space” mean to you?
Download the post templates and share a testimonial of your own about what “Inhabiting Space” means to you. If you’re too shy, post your favourite quote from our selection. Share with the #JVL2024 hashtag!
Ask your city council for a resolution
Many cities have chosen to mark LVD by passing a resolution at city council. Find out if your city is part of the movement, and if not, invite it to join! Here you’ll find an e-mail template and a resolution proposal that you can attach to your e-mail.

Discover the cities that have adopted a resolution to mark the LVD:
The Réseu des lesbiennes du Québec (RLQ) is a Québec-wide independent community action organization that has been involved in rights advocacy since 1996. It brings together women of sexual diversity, that is, women who are cis, trans, two-spirited, gender fluid, queer, agender or non-binary, and who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, gender fluid, asexual or questioning. It represents women from all regions of Québec, of all ages, all social classes, all cultural communities, from different political viewpoints, with or without disabilities.
The RLQ is a spokesperson and recognized authority with decision-making bodies, both political and social, regarding the quality of life and living conditions of lesbians, sexually diverse women and their communities. It is the only community-based collective advocacy organization that exclusively represents Québec’s LGBTQ2S+ women who love women, and it has considerable expertise. It is the central reference for issues affecting lesbian communities in Québec.
The RLQ is a gathering place for political and cultural activism, analysis, reflection, exchange, popular education and training.
For questions and interview requests, please contact our public relations officer:
For questions and interview requests, please contact our public relations officer: